How the internet is created?

Internet is originated in the way of succeeding an American defense project which is created on a network called ARPANET. Later the internet also provided to common people which discovered the internet. The Discovery of the internet is a boon for human life because it makes life really comfortable and advanced.

How internet originated
Internet using in overall field

In 1996, the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) of the American defense department created the network called ARPANET. Originally, this network was very small because only three Universities and government Agencies work on connected to this network. The ARPANET was limited only to the researchers and military proposals due to the security problem. On October 1, 1969, the first message was sent over this network. In the 1980s the ARPANET was administered by National Scientific Foundation NSFNet. Since that NSF made an open and liberal policy and allowed to access this network for other agencies.

Later other Universities and government agencies were also connected to this network. It becomes a large network so that certain rules for sending and receiving information was needed and incorporated called protocols. The protocol is the rule for making the smooth transformation of data. The network control protocol (NCP) was the first protocol. Later, the transmission control protocol/ internet protocol (TCP/IP) was developed. This protocol is still used today.

The development of hypertext-based Technology( called the World Wide Web, WWW, or just the web) provided means of displaying text, graphics, animations, and easy search and navigation tools that triggered the internet’s explosive worldwide growth. Since 1992 AD, the internet is openly used throughout the world. Today, De De internet is not owned or operated by only one entity. This worldwide computer network allows people to communicate and exchange information in new ways. Now the use of the internet is growing rapidly throughout the world. Today, millions of computers are connected to the internet and billions of people worldwide have access to it.

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How internet originated

Internet is originated in the way of succeeding an American defense project which is created on a network called ARPANET. Later the internet also provided to common people which discovered the internet. Hence we can say that the internet was the outcome of the research that was initially not provided to everyone.

How the internet is created?

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