Pokhara University BCA third semester 2020 updated and refined syllabus. The provided syllabus is the official Pokhara University syllabus and maintained from the original document of the PU Syllabus.
CMP 225.3 System Analysis and Design (3-1-0)
Theory | Practical | Total | |
Sessional | 50 | – | 50 |
Final | 50 | – | 50 |
Total | 100 | – | 100 |
Course Objectives:
1. This course aims to provide to the student the theory and practice of designing information systems to meet user needs, including problem investigation and the analysis, design, and implementation of the system.
2. Topic includes the systems development cycle, system modeling techniques, interface to database management systems, monitoring and control, review and maintenance, and project management. Includes class projects using a CASE tool.
Course Contents:
Unit I: The Context of Systems Analysis and Design 4 hours
Introduction of System analysis and design in BCA third semester
A framework for system analysis and design The players-System Stakeholders: system owners, system users, system designers, system builders, system analysts, external service providers, and the project manager.
Business Drivers for today’s information systems: Globalization of the economy, Electronic commerce and business, security and privacy, Globalization and partnership, Knowledge asset management, Continuous Improvement, and Total quality management and Business Process redesign.
Technology Drivers for today’s information: Network and the internet, mobile and wireless technologies, Enterprise application.
A Simple System Development Process: System initiation, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system support, and continuous improvement.
Unit II: Information System Building Blocks 3 hours
The Product-information systems
A Framework for system development architecture: Knowledge Building Block, Process Building Block, Communication Building Block
Network Technologies and the IS Building Blocks
Unit III: Information Systems Development 4 hours
Introduction, The Process of system development: The capability maturity model, Life Cycle versus Methodology, and Underlying principle for system development.
A System Development Process: Where do system development projects come from? The FAST project phases Cross life cycle activities, sequential versus iterative development.
Alternative Route and Strategies: The model-driven development strategy, The rapid Application development strategy, The Commercial Application Package Implement strategy, Hybrid Strategy, and System Maintenance
Automated Tools and Technology: Computer Assisted System Engineering, Application development Environment, Process, and Project Managers.
Unit IV: Project Management 4 hours
Introduction, What is Project Management? The Causes of Failed Projects, The Project Management Body of Knowledge; The Project Management Life Cycle: Activity 1-Negotiate Scope, Activity 2-Identify Tasks, Activity 3- Estimate task Duration, Activity 4-Specify intertrack Dependences, Activity 5-Assign Resources, Activity 6-Direct the Team Effort, Activity 7-Monitor and Control Progress, Activity 8-Assess Project Result and Experiences.
Unit V: System Analysis 6 hours
Introduction, What is Systems Analysis?, Systems Analysis Approaches Model-Driven Analysis Approaches, Accelerated Analysis Approaches, Requirements Discovery Methods, Business Process Redesign Methods, Fast Systems Analysis strategies.
The Scope Definition Phase: Task 1.1 – Identify baseline Problems and Opportunities, Task 1.2 – Negotiate Baseline Scope, Task 1.3 – Asses Baseline Project worthiness, Task 1.4– Develop baseline schedule and budget, Task 1.5 – Communicate the Project Plan.
The Problem Analysis phase: Task 2.1 – Study the Problem Domain, Task 2.2 – Analyze Problems and Opportunities, Task 2.3- Analyze Business Process, Task 2.4 – Establish system Improvement Objectives, Task 2.5- Update the Project Plan Task 2.6- Communication Findings and Recommendation.
The Requirements Analysis Phases: Task 3.1 – Identify and Express Requirements, Task 3.2 – Prioritize System Requirements, Task 3.3 – Update the Project plan, Task 3.4 – Communicate the requirement statements.
The Logical Design Phase: Task 4.1a- Structure Functional Requirements, Task 4.1b- Prototype Functional Requirements(Alternative), Task 4.2- Validate Functional Requirements, Task 4.3- Define Acceptance Test cases. The Decision Analysis Phase: Task 5.1 – Identify and Express Candidate solution Task 5.2 – Analyze candidate solution, Task 5.3 – Compare Candidate solution, Task 5.4 – Update the Project Plan, Task 5.4 – Update the project plan Task 5.5-Recommend a System Solution.
Unit VI: Fact-Finding technique for requirement discovery Requirements Discovery 6 hours
Introduction, An introduction to Requirement Discovery, The process of Requirement Discovery: Problem Discovery and Analysis, Requirements Discovery, Documenting and analyzing Requirements, Requirements Management; Requirements Fact-Finding Techniques: Sampling of Existing Documentation, Forms and Files, Research and sites Visits, Observation of the Work Environment, Questionnaires, Interviews, how to conduct an Interview, Discovery Prototyping, Joint Requirements Planning (JRP); A Fact Finding Strategy.
Unit VII: Modelling System Requirements with use cases 6 hours Introduction
An Introduction to use case Modelling, System concepts for Use case diagram: Use case, Actors, Relationships, The Process of Requirement Use Case Modelling: Step 1-Identify Business Actors, Step 2- Identity Business requirements use cases, Step 3- Construct use case model diagram, Step 4- Document business requirements use case narrations.
Use case and Project Management: Ranking and Evaluating use cases, Identify Use Cases Dependencies
Unit VIII: Data Modelling and analysis
What is Data Modeling: Entities, Attributes, Relationships;
The Process of Logical Data Modeling: strategy Data modeling, data modeling during Systems Analysis, Looking ahead to systems Design, Automated tools for Data modeling;
How to construct data models: Entity Discovery, the context data model, the context data model, the key-based data model, Generalized Hierarchies, the fully Attributed data model; Analyzing the data model: What is a good data model? Data Analysis, Normalization Example; Mapping Data Requirements to Location.
Unit IX: Process Modeling 6 hours
An Introduction to Process Modelling
System concepts for process modeling: External Agents, Datastores, Process concepts, Data flows, The process of Logical Process Modeling: Strategic system Planning, Process modeling for Business Process Redesign, Process Modeling during systems analysis, looking ahead to System Design Fact-Finding and information Gathering for process modeling, Computer-Aided System Engineering (Case) For Process modeling: How to construct processes Models: The context data flow diagram, the functional Decomposition Diagram, The Event-Response or Use case list, Event Decomposition Diagrams, Event Diagrams, the system Diagram (s), Primitive Diagrams, Completing the specification: Synchronizing of system models: Data and Process Model synchronization, process Distribution, The Next Generation
Unit X: Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal 4 hours
Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal: Feasibility Analysis- A Creeping Commitment Approach, system Analysis-preliminary investigation Checkpoint, System Analysis-Problem Analysis Checkpoint, System Design Decision Analysis Checkpoint; Four Tests for feasibility, Economic Feasibility, The Bottom line; Cost-Benefit Analysis Techniques: How Much will the system cost? What Benefits will the system Provide? Is the Proposed system cost-effective? Feasibility Analysis of Candidate systems” Candidate systems Matrix, Feasibility Analysis Matrix; The system Proposal: Written Report Formal Presentation.
Unit XI: System Design Methods 5 hours
Introduction Systems Design:
What is systems Design?
System Design Approaches: Model-Driven Approaches, Rapid Application Development (RAD) Fast system design strategies;
System Design for in-house Development- The “Build” solution: Task 5.1 – Design the Application Architecture Task 5.2 – Design the system Database (s), Task 5.3 – Design the system interface Task 5.4- Package design specification, Task 5.5-Update the Project Plan; System Design for integrating commercial software The “Buy” solution: Task 4.1-Research Technical Criteria and Options, Task 4.2-Solicit Proposals (or Quotes) from vendors, Task 5a.1 – Validate Vendor Claims and Performances, Task 5a.2-Evaluate and Rank vendor Proposals, Task 5a.3- Award (or Let) Contract and Debrief Vendors, Impact of Buy Decisions on Remaining Life Cycle Phase.
Text Book:
Jeffery L. Whitten Lonnie D. Bently Kevin C. Dittman, “Systems Analysis and Design Methods”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 7th Ed.
CMP 224.3 Data Structure and Algorithm (3-0-1)
Theory | Practical | Total | |
Sessional | 50 | – | 50 |
Final | 50 | – | 50 |
Total | 100 | – | 100 |
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide fundamental knowledge on data structure designing and implementation for storing information, and various algorithms used in computer sciences.
Course Contents:
Unit I: Introduction 3 hours
Introduction of DSA, Abstract Data Types(ADTs), its scope, data structure, and its types, a brief introduction to Recursion
Unit II: Algorithms Analysis 2 hours
Mathematical background, Model, what to analyze? Running time calculations
Unit III: Lists, Stacks, and Queues 6 hours
The list ADT (linear, linked list), The stack ADT, The queue ADT (linear and Circular)
Unit I: Trees 6 hours
Preliminaries, Binary trees, The search tree ADT- Binary search trees, ABL trees, Splay trees, Tree traversals (revisited), B-trees
Unit I: Hashing 6 hours
The general idea, hash function, load factor Open hashing (separate chaining), Closed hashing (Open addressing), Rehashing, Extendable hashing
Unit I: Priority Queues 6 hours
Simple implementation, Binary heap, Applications of priority queues, D-heaps, Leftist heaps, skew heaps, Binomial queues
Unit I: Sorting 7 hours
Preliminaries, Indentation sort, A lower bound for simple sorting algorithms, Shell-sort, Heap-sort, Merge-sort, Quick-sort, Sorting large objects, A general lower bound for sorting, Bucket sort, External sorting
Unit I: Graph Algorithm 6 hours
Definitions, Topological sort, Shortest-path algorithm, Network flow problems, Minimum Spanning Tree Applications of Depth-first search
Unit I: Algorithm Design Techniques 6 hours
The greedy algorithm, Divide and conquer, Dynamic programming, Randomized algorithms, Backtracking algorithms
There shall be 10 lab exercises based on C or C++
- Implementation of stack
- Implementation of the linear and circular queue
- Solution of TOH and Fibonacci recursion
- Implementation of Link list: Singly, and doubly linked
- Implementation of a tree: AVL tree, Balancing of AVL
- Implementation of merge sort
- Implementation of search: sequential, Tree and Binary
- Implementation of Graphs: Graph traversals
- Implementation of hashing
- Implementation of the heap
Text Books:
- Langsam, Y., Augustin, M.J. and Tanenbaum, A.M: Data Structure Using C and C++, Prentice Hall of India
- Rowe, G.W.: Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithms with C and C++, Prentice Hall of India
- Mark, Allen, Weiss: Data structure and Algorithm Analysis in C++
Recommended: Any C and C++ book
CMP123.3 Object-Oriented Programming
Theory | Practical | Total | |
Sessional | 50 | – | 50 |
Final | 50 | – | 50 |
Total | 100 | – | 100 |
Course Objectives:
- This course aims to provide an introduction to Windows Programming using object-oriented Language.
- Students learn the concepts needed to write programs using event-driven, object-oriented.
- It also helps the students in learning the object-oriented Database Management System.
Course Contents:
Unit I: Introduction to Object-Oriented programming 4 hours
Limitation of Procedural Language, object-oriented approach, features of object-oriented language: Classes, Object Inheritance, Reusability, Polymorphism
Unit II: Classes and Objects 8 hours
Components of Class, scope of Public, Private and protected members, Constructors and constructor overloading Destructors, Class, Object and Memory, Static Data and Class Member
Unit III: Inheritance 6 hours
Derived class and base class, Derived class constructors, Overriding member function
Unit IV: Operator Overloading and data type conversion 6 hours
Overloading Unary Operators, Overloading Binary Operators, Data type conversion
Unit V: Pointers 7 hours
Address and Pointers, Pointer and Arrays, Pointers and Function, Pointer and String, Memory management using new and delete
Unit VI: Virtual function and Polymorphism 07 hours
Virtual function and normal function, pure virtual function, Polymorphism
Unit VII: Exception Handling 4 hours
Compile-time exception handling, Run Time exception handling
Unit VIII: Miscellaneous Topics 6 hours
Friend function, pointer, Templates: Class and Function
Reference Books:
1. R. Lafore: Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Galgotia Publications Ltd. India, 1999
2. David Parsons: Object-Oriented Programming with C++
Financial Accounting II (3-0-1)
Theory | Practical | Total | |
Sessional | 50 | – | 50 |
Final | 50 | – | 50 |
Total | 100 | – | 100 |
Course Objectives:
- This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skill in handling the financial accounting system. specifically, it aims to acquaint students with the
- Recording, accounting, valuation, and disclosure in the financial statements of the inventories and the cost of goods sold:
- Accounting and disclosure of cash equivalents and receivables;
- Accounting and disclosure of non-current assets and liabilities.
- Accounting and disclosure of current liabilities; and
- Accounting and presentation of owners’ equity and dividends.
Course Contents:
Unit I: Accounting for Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold 8 hours
The nature of inventory; cost of goods sold model; inventory valuation and income measurement; inventory costing methods; choice of a method; methods of inventory estimation; effect of inventory valuation method on the cost of goods sold; disclosure in the financial statements
Unit II: Accounting for cash, Cash Equivalent, and receivables 8 hours
Cash and cash equivalent: components of cash and cash equivalents; Preparation of the bank reconciliation statement and the need for adjustments to accounting records; petty cash, balance sheet presentation cash, and cash equivalent. Accounts receivable: valuation of accounts receivables, methods to account for uncollectible amount, balance sheet presentation; notes receivable: interest-bearing notes, non-interest-bearing notes, presentation of the notes receivable, and related aspects in the financial statements.
Unit III: Accounting for Non-current Assets 11 hours
Concepts of capital, revenue, and deferred revenue expenditure; types of operating assets; acquisition of operating assets and the capitalization process; depreciation: concepts, methods, and accounting (straight line and diminishing balance method including accelerated depreciation method), disposal of assets and accounting for gains and losses; disclosure in the financial statements.
Unit IV: Accounting for Current Liabilities 5 hours
Accounts payable; notes payable, tax payable, warranties and accrued liabilities; balance sheet presentation
Unit V: Accounting for Non-current Liabilities 9 hours
Bonds payable: issuance of bonds, characteristics of bonds, factors affecting bond price, a premium of discount on issuance of bonds, bond amortization, the redemption of bonds, and disclosure in financial statements. Accounting for lease; Operating and financial lease; balance sheet of presentation.
Unit VI: Accounting for Stockholders’ Equity and Dividends 7 hours
Stockholders’ Equity: components of the stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet; Stocks; type of stock, issuance of stock, stock issued for cash and non-cash consideration and on a subscription basis, treasury stock, the retirement of a stock; presentation in the financial statements; Dividends; Meaning and types of dividend-cash dividend, cash dividend for ordinary stock and preferred stock; stock dividend and stock split, disclosure in financial statements.
Text Book:
Reference Book:
- Narayanswamy, R., Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi.
- Sanjib Neupane, Dharma Raj Upreti, Financial Accounting II Asmita Publication
The microprocessor (3-1-1)
Theory | Practical | Total | |
Sessional | 50 | – | 50 |
Final | 50 | – | 50 |
Total | 100 | – | 100 |
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Course Objectives:
- This course will provide the fundamental knowledge to understand the basics, and operation.
- It also provides the basic idea of assembly-level programming and the application of microprocessors.
Course Contents:
Unit I: Introduction 3 hours
Introduction to Microprocessors, Review of Processor Bus Organization, Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Unit II: Basic Computer Architecture 14 hours
SAP-1 Architecture, 8-bit “W” bus, 4 – bit program counter only counts up (starts execution at 0)
4 – bit memory Address register (MAR), 16×8- bit memory, an 8-bit instruction register (IR), 6-cycle controller with the 12-bit micro-instruction word, 8-bit accumulator, 8-bit B register, 8-bit adder-subtractor
8-bit output register, SAP-1 Instructions, Fetch & Execution, Micro program
- Fetch Cycle
- Execution cycle
- microprogram
- Controller implementation
Unit III: SAP 2 3 hours
SAP 2 Architecture, Architectural differences with SAP-1, Bi-directional registers, Instruction set, Flags
Unit IV: Instruction Cycle 3 hours
Fetch Operation and Timing Diagram, Execute Operation and timing Diagram, Machine Cycle and States
Unit V: Intel 8085 9 hours
Functional Block Diagram and Pin configuration, Timing and Control Unit, Registers, Data and Address Bus, Intel 8085 instructions, Operation Code and Operands, Addressing Modes, Interrupts, Flags, Instructions and Data Flow inside 8085, Basic Assembly Language Programming Using 8085 Instruction Sets
Unit VI: Basic I/O And Memory R/W Operations 5 hours
Memory Read, Memory Write, I/O Read, I/O Write, Introduction to Direct Memory Acces
Unit VII: Digital interface 6 hours
Introduction PPI Device 8255 A, Internal Block Diagram, 252A Modes, Initialization, and generation control words, Example of 8255 A interfacing to a micro-computer
Unit VIII: Input and Output Interfaces 5 hours
Serial and parallel Communication, Data transfer wait interface, RS-232, IEEE 488-1978 general-purpose interface standard.
Unit IX: Overview Of Intel 8086 2 hours
Block Diagram and Pin Configuration, Introduction to 8086, Introduction to 8086 Assembly Language Programming
Reference Book:
- Malvino: Digital Computer Electronics and Introduction to Microcomputers
- Ramesh S. Gaonkar: Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Application with 8085, Prentice Hall
- Morris Mano: Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall
- Douglas V. Hall: Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, McGraw Hill.
Note: All the information is collected from the document published by the BCA department of Pokhara University on its suggestions.
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