10 Important Applications of Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics is a tool or a device used to generate pictures by using a computer. The study of these tools is also known as Computer Graphics. All sectors are hugely influenced by the use of computer graphics. The application areas of Computer Graphics range from science, education, engineering, industry, business, entertainment, medicine, simulation, training, etc. to art and design.

With the implementation of computer graphics, each sector becomes capable of increasing its efficiency and productivity. In this section, we will discuss the 10 major applications of computer graphics. Learn more about the Definition, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Computer Graphics and importance of computer graphics.

Application of Computer Graphics
Applications of Computer Graphics in designing.
Applications of computer graphics
Level of Usage
1. Design and Develop User InterfacesHigh Level of Usage
2. Office Automation and Electronic PublishingLow Level of Usage
3. Computer-Aided Drafting and DesignMedium Level of Usage
4. EducationLow Level of Usage
5. EntertainmentHigh Level of Usage
6. Scientific and Business VisualizationHigh Level of Usage
7. CartographyMedium Level of Usage
8. Medicine and Virtual SurgeryHigh Level of Usage
9. Process ControlMedium Level of Usage
10. PresentationMedium Level of Usage
Applications of computer graphics according to the level of usage

Application Areas of Computer Graphics

1. Design and Develop User Interfaces

Almost all applications have user interfaces that rely on desktop windows systems to manage multiple jobs at the same time. These systems provide click options and different types of menus to take input from users. After taking input from the end-user these systems work according to stored instructions. Not only for getting user inputs, but these systems also display the processing of tasks using the graphical method.

2. Office Automation and Electronic Publishing

Computers and Graphics systems are the main players who have changed the scenario of desktop publishing. Modern books, magazines, newspapers, and designers are successful in engaging more and more audiences. Now, computers are capable of printing high-quality pictures, drawings, figures, etc. This application is mostly used by interior designers, engineers, architects, structural designers, etc. It makes them more powerful as they can design numerous components and systems. Going one step ahead from book and magazine publishing, computer graphics are used to design structures of automobile bodies, structures of buildings, airplanes, ships, optical instruments, and some major computer network systems.

Video on: Application areas of Computer Graphics

3. Computer-Aided Drafting and Design

Computer graphics have a major role in design. You may confuse about what type of design I am talking about, design may be clothing, house engineering, mechanical and electromechanical parts designing, web, and app interface designing, etc. CAD is very useful in many applications like automotive, shipbuilding, LSI, VLSI chip and component designing, complex optical instruments, etc. CAD uses graphics to show that structure in 2D and 3D so that they help in the development, modification, and optimization of the design process.

4. Education

Computer Graphis play a key role to change the primitive education system. It pays much attention to the evolution of the interactive way of teaching-learning activities. High-quality graphics, interactive education software, multimedia software, distant learning system, etc. are only possible with the help of computer graphics. The learning activity in students grows much more graphically than remembering texts, this is because the human brain can store pictures and graphics much longer than simple text. Students can improve their understanding and problem-solving capacity.

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5. Entertainment

It is very common and widely known that computer graphics are helping a lot in the entertainment sector. Graphical methods are used in creating motion pictures, music, videos, video effects, and television shows. Some are created in complexity using computer graphics. Some of the hit movies are lion king, Jurassic Park, the beauty of the beast, and Avengers movies all are created using a graphical application. In some movies, complete sciences are known as animated movies and sometimes the graphics objects are combined with actors and live scenes. In the case of cartoon films, only keyframes with sciences are prepared while the other background slightly changes scenes are interpolated by graphics system which decreases the cost and maintains quality. Video games are another entertainment sector that also falls in the sports category and uses computer graphics extensively.

6. Scientific and Business Visualization

Scientific Visualization is the process of presenting scientific data for scientific, engineering, and medical data sets to gain core understanding and insights. Scientific Visualization is the core of the medical and scientific sectors. It makes the study of different geographical and physical objects easy and more understandable. It provides the initial details about the land topography. The medical sector is also using scientific visualization on a daily basis to visualize the internal organ. Deep research is needed to start scientific work and scientific visualization helps a lot to make the research successful. Whereas business visualization is related to non-scientific data to understand the different patterns and trends easily. Analytics is very important to improve the business. It enables us to understand the trends, user intention, competitor analysis, marketing strategies, etc. quick and understandable format.

7. Cartography

Cartography is a discipline that deals with the generation of informative maps and charts. Computer graphics are widely used to craft and design maps for different purposes. Computer graphics help to design the map focused on different strategies. As cartography combines science, aesthetics, and technique, it crafts maps so that users can easily communicate with maps and gather necessary information. Cartography was used in ancient times but in ancient times it is all designed by humans with hands-on stone or paper which was not accurate and informative. Nowadays, cartography uses computer graphics and printing material to design more precise and user-understandable maps showing information based on different aspects.

Application of Computer graphics in cartography
Graphics in cartography

8. Medicine and Virtual Surgery

Computer graphics has extensive application in tomography and simulations of medical treatment and operation. Tomography is medical terminology that defines a technique in which shadows of the superimposed organs are blurred out by using an x-ray tube. It creates detailed images of internal organs of our body like bones, soft tissue, blood vessels, etc. for example, US, CT, and MRI scans. Doctors also use image processing on the image generated by these scans. It is not always possible to practice medical operations on physical or living bodies, for such a situation virtual surgery plays an important role. It simulates a surgical procedure in a virtual world or can be said to be a computer-generated graphical environment. It helps to improve the training and then doctors can apply this operation in real life. It uses augmented reality after gathering information from the patients.

9. Process Control

Computer Graphics can present the situation of processes running on the system backend. The graphical method presents the overall process in user understandable format. It also provides the facility to control the process mechanism of the system. Due to this feature process control has become portable and easy to handle. Large factories and industries use real-time process control to understand the system operations. They can also increase and decrease the processing speed, workload, production capacity, quality, etc. by controlling the machinery from graphical systems. The most important thing is, that computer graphics make the process control portable and easy to understand.

10. Presentation

Nowadays, presentations apply in every sector like education, business, science, etc. Computer-generated slides can attract the user and make it easy for the speaker. Speakers can describe the whole idea of their business or plan in a few minutes with the help of graphically generated animations and postures. Large businesses and firms focus on presentations to inform, educate and motivate their internal and external audiences. If a speaker uses only audio description, then the audience and judges but audio with visual interpretation can engage their audience and retain attention.

These are some major application areas of computer graphics. There are many other places where computer graphics play a very important role, like cartography, medicine, etc. Day by day computer graphics is also advancing in its region. Virtual Reality and augmented reality are also advancing in their region. Virtual Reality and augmented reality are also developing parts of computer graphics. Computer graphics with artificial intelligence and machine learning will create many advanced application areas for graphics systems.

10 Important Applications of Computer Graphics

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